Saturday, November 16, 2013

12V: Interdisciplinary Perspective
Interdisciplinary perspective refers to two areas of learning or subjects that share the same context or they have a similarity. For example, if you're talking about a specific subject in one class, then you might be able to relate it to a different subject class. This term relates to the one we've been talking about in class this week, Liberal arts. The two tie together because a liberal arts education can easily be taught through interdisciplinary perspective. When you're taking ideas from all different topics and ideas, you're not just focusing on the main focus of your career, you're learning many other things. I think interdisciplinary perspective can be a good thing because you can take two sides of one subject and see how they compare to each other, and use them together.

Other words: 
subsidize: support (an organization or activity) financially.
Liberal arts: academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences as distinct from professional and technical subjects.

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