Saturday, October 19, 2013

8A: Admirable Blogs

Looking through all of the blogs, I found some that were very well thought out and interesting to read, and feel they are worth A or A+ work,(or mastery of blogging.)

The first one is Kali's blog,
Looking through her posts, they are full of information that is relevant to the topics and she gives many great examples to go along with it. I also like how she includes interesting photos to go along with all of her blog posts. One of the posts that I found to be really good was 7B: Fighting Failure. It started out with a little humor which I found to be very entertaining to read, and it didn't make it as 'boring'.She said,  "My Algebra professor and I have a bit of a language barrier. I am not 100% sure what his accent is, but it sounds Russian"., and then went on to explain her struggles in math and ways that she could get better and get help with it. This specific post related to me because I am also having some troubles in math right now. You can tell that Kali takes time to write her posts and she is a very creative writer and it was enjoyable to read some of her posts.

The second blog I picked is Sam's blog,
Like Kali's blog, Sam's posts are also detailed and relevant to the topic of the post. She separated her paragraph, which made it more neat looking. When the paragraphs are separated and not all in one long paragraph, it definitely shows part of mastery of blogging because you can read them easier and they look neater. At the beginning of each post, she has an interesting hook, which is also great because it really grabs your attention and makes you want to read on. In her post "5B: Surprisingly Easy to Manage Time", that post got my attention because she used bold words as part of her writing to show important parts or parts she thought were interesting. Sam's blog definitely displays hard work and lots of thought.
Overall, you can tell that those two blogs I picked, the writers took a lot of effort and time to write their posts and they deserve A+ work, and that they most definitely show mastery of blogging! I definitely look up to their blogs and would love to write mine like theirs because of the way they are written with so much detail and creativeness.

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